My girlfriend came up with the idea of putting player bios on the site so casual fans could get to know the players better. It's also nice filler as we wait agonizingly long for our next game. Here is the first stab at it. I'm starting with Jack Benage because he is the first one to send me his bio with a picture. Enjoy!
Name: Jack Benage
Age: 18
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 145
Grade Started at Chaminade: Attended 6th - 12th
Going to College: SMU (Southern Methodist University)
Best Water Polo Skill: Irritating Coach.........Just Awareness in General
Favorite Water Polo Moment: A couple years back, during club season, the opposing team shot the ball hard enough to rebound off the crossbar all the way back to his own goalie who wasn't paying attention. The ball hit his goalie in the head and went in. He shot on the right goal, but scored on his own team!
Quote: Some favorites right now:
- "We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are." - Calvin & Hobbes
- "Learn to embrace the chaos." - Dr. Greg Mantych
- "I'm a threat!!" - Danny Faust

What a stud!
Tom, You have a girl friend?? no way
Jack, Take to heart the quote from Calvin & Hobbes these next couple of weeks. Especially the part, "enjoy where you are". It will go by in a hurry. Looking forward to watching your district games. I am very proud of you. Mom (Hope this comment did not embarrass you, it's why we have children.)
Congratulations on your All Conference Award! Looking forward to watching Districts!
The Stablers
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